The Sino-German Symposium on "CO₂ Geologic Utilization and Storage" took place at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) and at Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, CAS (IRSM-CAS) in Wuhan (China) from 22 to 24 February 2023 in a hybrid format. The symposium was financially supported by the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion (SGC). During the three symposium days, more than 20 invited speakers from both China and Germany presented their research. In total, around 100 participants attended the event. Prof. Sergey Oladyshkin and his team were the organizers in Stuttgart (Germany) and Prof. Liwei Zhang from the IRSM-CAS and his team were the organizers in Wuhan(China). A round table discussion was held during the symposium as well, where participants identified key challenges and opportunities on the topic of CO2 Geologic Utilization and Storage in Germany, China and the international community. As a result, the researchers plan to work on a Sino-German scientific paper, covering the discussed aspects, to present it to the larger scientific community. The researchers who attended the symposium in person in Stuttgart were given a guided tour through the Porous Media Lab (PML) of the University of Stuttgart by Prof. Holger Steeb and Dr. Nikos Karadimitriou. They gave the group an insight view on how porous media in-situ experiments are conducted in the single labs of the PML.
Group picture of the participants of the Sino-German Symposium in China
Communications among participants in Wuhan, China and in Stuttgart, Germany